Alison Clough is the site manager at Gwithian Sand Pits or St Gothians as it is more commonly known. The following series of images follows Alison as she tends to some of the problems that frequently occur at the site.
One common problem at the site is people riding motorbikes on or around the dunes which can disturb the wildlife and tear up the grassland. The fence in the image above was built to in an attempt to prevent this from happening.
The damage from the motorbikes can be seen in this image. The once even covering of grass is now patchy with clearly defined tracks cutting through ground.
Another common problem is people making fires on the site. This is often a harmless act but can cause damage to the environment and the natural habitats of various wildlife. Fires can also result in litter being left in the area.
The extremely varied plantlife at Gwithian is also of interest to Alison who monitors the progress of such activity throughout the year.
Information on the plantlife and the wildlife at the site can be viewed by the public along with safety notices and maps of the area.
Slightly further down the beach another fence is being erected. This one is for the safety of the public. Too many people injure themselves attempting to take the direct route down to the beach. This fence is aimed at guiding people down the safest way possible.
Alison has been constructing this fence with her colleague David Matthews for the last 3 days.
This environmental portrait shows Alison on the final day working on this project.
This image displays why the new fence is necessary. The direct path down is dangerously steep.